
This document is a summary of my recent work related to the design of machine learning methods specifically tailored to handle structured data such as graphs (in Sec. 1.3) or time series (in the rest of the document). Note however that one of my contributions to the field is not developed in this document (or just marginally in its Jupyter book form). It concerns open source software development, especially through the creation and maintenance of the tslearn library (Tavenard et al., 2020).1

I realize while writing this document that, over the past few years, I have treated time series as if they were several different things. First, from an application point of view, I have worked with video recordings during my post-doc at Idiap and moved to earth observation time series (be it pollutant levels in water streams, satellite image time series or ship trajectories) when I joined the LETG lab (Littoral, Environnement, Géomatique, Télédétection) in 2013. Most importantly, these diverse applications have lead to different views over what time series can be and these views are connected to how the temporal nature of the data is included (or not) in the representation. In Pierre Gloaguen's post-doctoral work (Gloaguen, Chapel, Friguet, & Tavenard, 2020), for the sake of efficiency, we have relied on a fully non-temporal pre-clustering of the data so as to be able, in a refinement step, to model series segments using a continuous-time model (hence re-introducing temporal information at the sub-segment level). At the other end of the spectrum, during Adeline Bailly and Mael Guillemé's PhDs (Guilleme, Malinowski, Tavenard, & Renard, 2019) (Tavenard et al., 2017), we have postulated that temporal localization information was key for prediction. In these works, we hence use timestamps as additional features of the input data. Elastic alignment-based approaches (such as the well-known Dynamic Time Warping algorithm) somehow belong somewhere in-between those two extremes. Indeed, they rely solely on temporal ordering (not on timestamps) to assess similarity between series. Note also that, compared to other approaches considered in this document, convolutional models presented in Sec. 2.2 make an extra assumption about the regularity of the sampling process (i.e. observations in a time series are supposed to be acquired at a fixed time interval and this interval is the same for all time series in the considered collection).

I have, more recently, turned my focus to other structured data such as graphs, and it appears that choosing an adequate encoding for the structural information in this context is also a very important topic. In the context of Titouan Vayer's PhD, we have relied on the use of Optimal Transport distances that, surprisingly or not, use formulations that are very similar in spirit to that of Dynamic Time Warping.

In this document, my contributions are organized in two parts, the first being dedicated to the design of adequate similarity measures between structured data (i.e. graphs and time series), and the second focusing on methods that learn latent representations for temporal data.


Throughout this document, the following notations are used.

A time series is a set of $n$ timestamped features:

\begin{equation} \mathbf{x} = \{ (x_0, t_0), \dots , (x_{n-1}, t_{n-1}) \} \end{equation}

where all $x_i$ lie in the same ambient space $\mathbb{R}^{p}$ and $t_i$ are their associated timestamps. Time series datasets are denoted $(\mathbf{X}, \mathbf{y})$ (or just $\mathbf{X}$ for unsupervised methods) where $\mathbf{X} = \left( \mathbf{x}^{(0)}, \cdots, \mathbf{x}^{(N-1)} \right)$ is a vector of $N$ time series (that do not necessarily share the same length) and $\mathbf{y}$ is a vector of $N$ target values.

When subseries have to be considered, we denote by $\mathbf{x}_{t_1 \rightarrow t_2}$ the subseries extracted from $\mathbf{x}$ that starts at time index $t_1$ and stops at time index $t_2$ (excluded), and $\mathbf{x}_{\rightarrow t} = \mathbf{x}_{0 \rightarrow t}$ is a shortcut notation for the subseries that covers the first timestamps up to time index $t$.


  1. Tavenard, R., Faouzi, J., Vandewiele, G., Divo, F., Androz, G., Holtz, C., … Woods, E. (2020). Tslearn, A Machine Learning Toolkit for Time Series Data. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 21(118), 1–6. Retrieved from
  2. Gloaguen, P., Chapel, L., Friguet, C., & Tavenard, R. (2020). Scalable clustering of segmented trajectories within a continuous time framework. Application to maritime traffic data.
  3. Guilleme, M., Malinowski, S., Tavenard, R., & Renard, X. (2019). Localized Random Shapelets. In International Workshop on Advanced Analysis and Learning on Temporal Data (pp. 85–97).
  4. Tavenard, R., Malinowski, S., Chapel, L., Bailly, A., Sanchez, H., & Bustos, B. (2017). Efficient Temporal Kernels between Feature Sets for Time Series Classification. In European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery.

  1. tslearn is a general-purpose Python machine learning library for time series that offers tools for pre-processing time series and extracting features from them as well as dedicated models for clustering, classification and regression. I initiated this project in 2017.