DTW with Global Invariances

Note. This work is part of Titouan Vayer's PhD thesis. We are co-supervising Titouan together with Laetitia Chapel and Nicolas Courty.

In this work, we address the problem of comparing time series while taking into account both feature space transformation and temporal variability. The proposed framework combines a latent global transformation of the feature space with the widely used Dynamic Time Warping (DTW). This work is available as a preprint (Vayer et al., 2020).


Let $\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{x^\prime}$ be two time series of respective lengths $n$ and $m$. Here, the features from the two time series are not assumed to lie in the same ambient space, but it is assumed that features from $\mathbf{x}$ lie in $\mathbb{R}^p$ while features from $\mathbf{x^\prime}$ lie in $\mathbb{R}^{p'}$. In the following, we assume $p \geq p'$ without loss of generality. In order to allow comparison between time series $\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{x^\prime}$, we optimize on a family of functions $\mathcal{F}$ that map features from $\mathbf{x^\prime}$ onto the feature space in which features from $\mathbf{x}$ lie. $\mathcal{F}$ is hence the family of registration functions. More formally, we define Dynamic Time Warping with Global Invariances (DTW-GI) as the solution of the following joint optimization problem:

\begin{equation} \text{DTW-GI}(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{x^\prime}) = \min_{f \in \mathcal{F}, \pi \in \mathcal{A}(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{x^\prime})} \sqrt{ \sum_{(i, j) \in \pi} d(x_i, f(x^\prime_j))^2 } \, , \label{eq:dtwgi} \end{equation}

where $\mathcal{F}$ is a family of functions from $\mathbb{R}^{p^\prime}$ to $\mathbb{R}^{p}$.

This similarity measure estimates both temporal alignment and feature space transformation between time series simultaneously, allowing the alignment of time series when the similarity should be defined up to a global transformation. Time series do not have to lie in the same ambient space, as presented in the following Figure:

DTW-GI aligns time series by optimizing on temporal alignment (through Dynamic Time Warping) and feature space transformation (denoted $f$ here). Time series represented here are color-coded trajectories, whose starting (resp. end) point is depicted in blue (resp. red).


Optimization of the quantity in Equation \eqref{eq:dtwgi} can be performed via Block Coordinate Descent. In a nutshell, the optimization process alternates between the following two steps:

  1. for a fixed $f$, the optimal alignment path $\pi$ is obtained through the DTW algorithm;
  2. for a fixed path $\pi$, the optimal map $f$ (when $\mathcal{F}$ is the Stiefel manifold) is obtained through Singular Value Decomposition.

Interestingly, this optimization strategy where we alternate between time series alignment, i.e. time correspondences between both time series, and feature space transform optimization can be seen as a variant of the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) method in image registration (Chen & Medioni, 1992), in which nearest neighbors are replaced by matches resulting from DTW alignment.

The resulting algorithm is detailed in the following code:

import numpy

def path2mat(path):
    max0, max1 = path[-1]
    w_pi = numpy.zeros((max0 + 1, max1 + 1))
    for i, j in path:
        w_pi[i, j] = 1.
    return w_pi
import scipy
from tslearn.utils import to_time_series
from tslearn.metrics import dtw_path

def dtw_gi(ts0, ts1, init_p=None, max_iter=20, verbose=False, use_bias=False):
    r"""Compute Dynamic Time Warping with Global Invariance (DTW-GI) similarity
    measure between (possibly multidimensional) time series and return it.

    ts0: array of shape (sz0, d0)
        A time series.

    ts1: array of shape (sz1, d1)
        A time series.

    init_p : array of shape (d0, d1) (default: None)
        Initial p matrix for the Stiefel linear map. If None, identity matrix
        is used.

    max_iter : int (default: 20)
        Number of iterations for the iterative optimization algorithm.

    verbose: boolean (default: True)
        Whether information should be printed during optimization

    use_bias: boolean (default: False)
        If True, the feature space map is affine, otherwise it is linear.

        Warping matrix (binary matrix of shape (sz0, sz1))

        Stiefel matrix

        Similarity score
    ts0_ = to_time_series(ts0, remove_nans=True)
    ts1_ = to_time_series(ts1, remove_nans=True)

    sz0, d0 = ts0_.shape
    sz1, d1 = ts1_.shape

    ts0_m = ts0_.mean(axis=0).reshape((-1, 1))
    ts1_m = ts1_.mean(axis=0).reshape((-1, 1))

    w_pi = numpy.zeros((sz0, sz1))
    if init_p is None:
        p = numpy.eye(d0, d1)
        p = init_p
    bias = numpy.zeros((d0, 1))

    # BCD loop
    for iter in range(1, max_iter + 1):
        w_pi_old = w_pi
        # Temporal alignment
        path, cost = dtw_path(ts0_, + bias.T)
        if verbose:
            print("Iteration {}: DTW cost: {:.3f}".format(iter, cost))
        w_pi = path2mat(path)
        if numpy.allclose(w_pi, w_pi_old):
        # Feature space registration
        if use_bias:
            m = (ts0_.T - ts0_m).dot(w_pi).dot(ts1_ - ts1_m.T)
            m = (ts0_.T).dot(w_pi).dot(ts1_)
        u, sigma, vt = scipy.linalg.svd(m, full_matrices=False)
        p =
        if use_bias:
            bias = ts0_m -
    path, cost = dtw_path(ts0_, + bias.T)
    if verbose:
        print("After optimization: DTW cost: {:.3f}".format(cost))
    if use_bias:
        return w_pi, p, bias, cost
        return w_pi, p, cost


We show that one can compute barycenters for this metric (using a similar approach as the DTW Barycenter Averaging from (Petitjean, Ketterlin, & Gançarski, 2011)), even when time series to be averaged do not lie in the same ambient space:

%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D


from sklearn.exceptions import ConvergenceWarning
from tslearn.utils import to_time_series, ts_size
from tslearn.barycenters import dtw_barycenter_averaging

def _set_weights(w, n):
    """Return w if it is a valid weight vector of size n, and a vector of n 1s
    if w is None or len(w) != n:
        w = numpy.ones((n,))
    return w

def _init_avg(X, barycenter_size):
    if ts_size(X[0]) == barycenter_size:
        return numpy.nanmean(X, axis=0)
        X_avg = numpy.nanmean(X, axis=0)
        xnew = numpy.linspace(0, 1, barycenter_size)
        f = interp1d(numpy.linspace(0, 1, X_avg.shape[0]), X_avg,
                     kind="linear", axis=0)
        return f(xnew)

def _mm_assignment(X, barycenter, weights, list_init_p=None,
    """Computes item assignement based on DTW alignments and return cost as a

    X : numpy.array of shape (n, sz, d)
        Time-series to be averaged

    barycenter : numpy.array of shape (barycenter_size, d)
        Barycenter as computed at the current step of the algorithm.

    weights: array
        Weights of each X[i]. Must be the same size as len(X).

    list_init_p: list of arrays of shape (d, d)
        Initial P matrices

    metric_params: dict or None (default: None)
        Key-value parameters for f_dtw

        List of warping matrices

        List of mapping matrices

        Current alignment cost
    if metric_params is None:
        metric_params = {}
    n = len(X)
    if list_init_p is None:
        list_init_p = [numpy.eye(Xi.shape[1], barycenter.shape[1]).T
                       for Xi in X]
    cost = 0.
    list_w_pi = []
    list_p = []
    list_bias = []
    for i in range(n):
        w_pi, p_i, bias_i, dist_i = dtw_gi(barycenter, X[i],
        cost += dist_i ** 2 * weights[i]
    cost /= weights.sum()
    return list_w_pi, list_p, list_bias, cost

def _subgradient_valence_warping(list_w_pi, weights):
    """Compute Valence and Warping matrices from paths.

    Valence matrices are denoted :math:`V^{(k)}` and Warping matrices are
    :math:`W^{(k)}` in [1]_.

    This function returns a list of :math:`V^{(k)}` diagonals (as a vector)
    and a list of :math:`W^{(k)}` matrices.

    list_w_pi : list of arrays of shape (sz_bar, sz_i)
        List of warping matrices

    weights: array
        Weights of each X[i]. Must be the same size as len(X).

    list of numpy.array of shape (barycenter_size, )
        list of weighted :math:`V^{(k)}` diagonals (as a vector)

    list of numpy.array of shape (barycenter_size, sz_k)
        list of weighted :math:`W^{(k)}` matrices


    .. [1] D. Schultz and B. Jain. Nonsmooth Analysis and Subgradient Methods
       for Averaging in Dynamic Time Warping Spaces.
       Pattern Recognition, 74, 340-358.
    list_v_k = []
    list_w_k = []
    for k, w_pi in enumerate(list_w_pi):
        list_w_k.append(w_pi * weights[k])
        list_v_k.append(w_pi.sum(axis=1) * weights[k])
    return list_v_k, list_w_k

def _mm_valence_warping(list_w_pi, weights):
    """Compute Valence and Warping matrices from paths.

    Valence matrices are denoted :math:`V^{(k)}` and Warping matrices are
    :math:`W^{(k)}` in [1]_.

    This function returns the sum of :math:`V^{(k)}` diagonals (as a vector)
    and a list of :math:`W^{(k)}` matrices.

    list_w_pi : list of arrays of shape (sz_bar, sz_i)
        list of Warping matrices

    barycenter_size : int
        Size of the barycenter to generate.

    weights: array
        Weights of each X[i]. Must be the same size as len(X).

    numpy.array of shape (barycenter_size, )
        sum of weighted :math:`V^{(k)}` diagonals (as a vector)

    list of numpy.array of shape (barycenter_size, sz_k)
        list of weighted :math:`W^{(k)}` matrices


    .. [1] D. Schultz and B. Jain. Nonsmooth Analysis and Subgradient Methods
       for Averaging in Dynamic Time Warping Spaces.
       Pattern Recognition, 74, 340-358.
    list_v_k, list_w_k = _subgradient_valence_warping(
    diag_sum_v_k = numpy.zeros(list_v_k[0].shape)
    for v_k in list_v_k:
        diag_sum_v_k += v_k
    return diag_sum_v_k, list_w_k

def _mm_update_barycenter(X, diag_sum_v_k, list_w_k):
    """Update barycenters using the formula from Algorithm 2 in [1]_.

    X : numpy.array of shape (n, sz, d)
        Time-series to be averaged

    diag_sum_v_k : numpy.array of shape (barycenter_size, )
        sum of weighted :math:`V^{(k)}` diagonals (as a vector)

    list_w_k : list of numpy.array of shape (barycenter_size, sz_k)
        list of weighted :math:`W^{(k)}` matrices

    numpy.array of shape (barycenter_size, d)
        Updated barycenter


    .. [1] D. Schultz and B. Jain. Nonsmooth Analysis and Subgradient Methods
       for Averaging in Dynamic Time Warping Spaces.
       Pattern Recognition, 74, 340-358.
    d = X[0].shape[-1]
    barycenter_size = diag_sum_v_k.shape[0]
    sum_w_x = numpy.zeros((barycenter_size, d))
    for k, (w_k, x_k) in enumerate(zip(list_w_k, X)):
        sum_w_x +=[:ts_size(x_k)])
    barycenter = numpy.diag(1. / diag_sum_v_k).dot(sum_w_x)
    return barycenter

def dtw_gi_barycenter_averaging(X, barycenter_size=None, init_barycenter=None,
                                max_iter=30, tol=1e-5, weights=None,
                                metric_params=None, keep_p_matrices=False,
    """DTW-GI Barycenter Averaging (DBA) method estimated through
    Expectation-Maximization algorithm.

    DBA was originally presented in [1]_.
    This implementation is based on a idea from [2]_ (Majorize-Minimize Mean

    Here, the transform is of the form x -> Ax + b where A lies on the Stiefel

    X : array-like, shape=(n_ts, sz, d)
        Time series dataset.

    barycenter_size : int or None (default: None)
        Size of the barycenter to generate. If None, the size of the barycenter
        is that of the data provided at fit
        time or that of the initial barycenter if specified.

    init_barycenter : array or None (default: None)
        Initial barycenter to start from for the optimization process.

    max_iter : int (default: 30)
        Number of iterations of the Expectation-Maximization optimization

    tol : float (default: 1e-5)
        Tolerance to use for early stopping: if the decrease in cost is lower
        than this value, the
        Expectation-Maximization procedure stops.

    weights: None or array
        Weights of each X[i]. Must be the same size as len(X).
        If None, uniform weights are used.

    metric_params: dict or None (default: None)
        DTW constraint parameters to be used.
        See :ref:`tslearn.metrics.dtw_path <fun-tslearn.metrics.dtw_path>` for
        a list of accepted parameters
        If None, no constraint is used for DTW computations.

    keep_p_matrices: bool (default: False)
        Whether P matrices from previous iteration should be used to initialize
        P matrices for the current iteration

    verbose : boolean (default: False)
        Whether to print information about the cost at each iteration or not.

    numpy.array of shape (barycenter_size, d) or (sz, d) if barycenter_size \
            is None
        DBA barycenter of the provided time series dataset.

        Corresponding cost (weighted sum of alignment costs)

    .. [1] F. Petitjean, A. Ketterlin & P. Gancarski. A global averaging method
       for dynamic time warping, with applications to clustering. Pattern
       Recognition, Elsevier, 2011, Vol. 44, Num. 3, pp. 678-693

    .. [2] D. Schultz and B. Jain. Nonsmooth Analysis and Subgradient Methods
       for Averaging in Dynamic Time Warping Spaces.
       Pattern Recognition, 74, 340-358.
    X_ = [to_time_series(Xi, remove_nans=True) for Xi in X]
    if barycenter_size is None:
        barycenter_size = ts_size(X_[0])
    weights = _set_weights(weights, len(X_))
    if init_barycenter is None:
        barycenter = _init_avg(X_, barycenter_size)
        barycenter = init_barycenter
    cost_prev, cost = numpy.inf, numpy.inf
    list_p = [numpy.eye(Xi.shape[1], barycenter.shape[1]).T for Xi in X_]
    for it in range(max_iter):
        if not keep_p_matrices:
            list_p = None
        list_w_pi, list_p, list_bias, cost = _mm_assignment(
        diag_sum_v_k, list_w_k = _mm_valence_warping(list_w_pi, weights)
        if verbose:
            print("[DBA] epoch %d, cost: %.3f" % (it + 1, cost))
        rotated_x = [numpy.empty(Xi.shape) for Xi in X_]
        for i in range(len(X_)):
            rotated_x[i] = X_[i].dot(list_p[i].T) + list_bias[i].T
        barycenter = _mm_update_barycenter(rotated_x, diag_sum_v_k, list_w_k)
        if abs(cost_prev - cost) < tol:
        elif cost_prev < cost:
            warnings.warn("DBA loss is increasing while it should not be. "
                          "Stopping optimization.", ConvergenceWarning)
            cost_prev = cost
    return barycenter, cost

# A list of data generation / plotting utils

def has_3d(dataset):
    for sample in dataset:
        if sample.shape[-1] == 3:
            return True
    return False

def plot_trajectory(ts, ax, plot_3d=False, color_code=None, alpha=1.):
    if color_code is not None:
        colors = [color_code] * len(ts)
        colors =, 1, len(ts)))
    for i in range(len(ts) - 1):
        if plot_3d:
            ax.plot(ts[i:i+2, 0], ts[i:i+2, 1], ts[i:i+2, 2],
                    marker='o', c=colors[i], alpha=alpha)
            ax.plot(ts[i:i+2, 0], ts[i:i+2, 1],
                    marker='o', c=colors[i], alpha=alpha)

def get_rot2d(theta):
    return numpy.array(
        [[numpy.cos(theta), -numpy.sin(theta)],
         [numpy.sin(theta), numpy.cos(theta)]]

def get_rot3d(alpha, beta, gamma):
    R_alpha = numpy.array(
        [[1., 0., 0.],
         [0., numpy.cos(alpha), -numpy.sin(alpha)],
         [0., numpy.sin(alpha), numpy.cos(alpha)]]
    R_beta = numpy.array(
        [[numpy.cos(beta), 0., numpy.sin(beta)],
         [0., 1., 0.],
         [-numpy.sin(beta), 0., numpy.cos(beta)]]
    R_gamma = numpy.array(
        [[numpy.cos(gamma), -numpy.sin(gamma), 0.],
         [numpy.sin(gamma), numpy.cos(gamma), 0.],
         [0., 0., 1.]]

def make_one_spiral(sz, noise=.5):
    uniform_in_01 = numpy.random.rand(sz, 1)
    non_uniform_in_01 = numpy.power(uniform_in_01, 4)
    n = numpy.sqrt(non_uniform_in_01) * 780 * (2 * numpy.pi) / 360
    n = numpy.sort(n.reshape((-1, ))).reshape((-1, 1))
    d1x = -numpy.cos(n) * n + numpy.random.rand(sz, 1) * noise
    d1y = numpy.sin(n) * n + numpy.random.rand(sz, 1) * noise
    arr = numpy.array(numpy.hstack((d1x, d1y)))
    return arr / numpy.max(n)

def make_spirals(n, sz, noise=.5, shift=False, some_3d=False):
    dataset = []
    for i in range(n):
        if some_3d and i % 2 == 0:
            spiral = make_one_spiral(sz=sz, noise=0.)
            spiral = numpy.hstack((spiral, noise * numpy.random.randn(sz, 1)))
            alpha = (numpy.random.rand(1)[0] - .5) * numpy.pi / 2
            beta = (numpy.random.rand(1)[0] - .5) * numpy.pi / 2
            gamma = (numpy.random.rand(1)[0] - .5) * numpy.pi / 2
            spiral =, get_rot3d(alpha, beta, gamma))
            if shift:
                spiral += numpy.random.rand(3) * 3
            spiral = make_one_spiral(sz=sz, noise=noise)
            theta = numpy.random.rand(1)[0] * 2 * numpy.pi
            spiral =, get_rot2d(theta))
            if shift:
                spiral += numpy.random.rand(2) * 3
    return dataset

def make_one_folium(sz, a=1., noise=.1, resample_fun=None):
    theta = numpy.linspace(0, 1, sz)
    if resample_fun is not None:
        theta = resample_fun(theta)
    theta -= .5
    theta *= .9 * numpy.pi
    theta = theta.reshape((-1, 1))
    r = a / 2 * (4 * numpy.cos(theta) - 1. / numpy.cos(theta))
    x = r * numpy.cos(theta) + numpy.random.rand(sz, 1) * noise
    y = r * numpy.sin(theta) + numpy.random.rand(sz, 1) * noise
    return numpy.array(numpy.hstack((x, y)))

def make_folia(n, sz, noise=.1, shift=False, some_3d=False):
    if some_3d:
        raise NotImplementedError
    dataset = []
    for _ in range(n):
        spiral = make_one_folium(sz=sz, a=1., noise=noise)
        theta = numpy.random.rand(1)[0] * 2 * numpy.pi
        spiral =, get_rot2d(theta))
        if shift:
            spiral += numpy.random.rand(2) * 3
    return dataset

# Parameters of the experiment
n_spirals = 3
n_spirals_shown = 3
sz = 50
sz_barycenter = 25
d_barycenter = 2

# Datasets
list_dataset_generators = [
    lambda n, sz: make_folia(n, sz=sz, shift=False, some_3d=False),
    lambda n, sz: make_spirals(n, sz=sz, noise=.01, shift=False, some_3d=True)

# Methods
list_barycenter_fun = [
    lambda dataset, sz, b: dtw_barycenter_averaging(dataset,
    lambda dataset, sz, b: dtw_gi_barycenter_averaging(dataset,
                                                           "max_iter": 1000
list_method_names = ["DTW", "DTW-GI"]

angles_visu = [90, numpy.nan, -120]

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(.67 * (3 * n_spirals_shown + len(list_barycenter_fun)),
                          2. * len(list_dataset_generators)))
for idx_dataset, dataset_fun in enumerate(list_dataset_generators):
    spirals = dataset_fun(n_spirals, sz)

    # Plot sample spirals
    for i in range(n_spirals_shown):
        if spirals[i].shape[-1] == 3:
            ax = fig.add_subplot(len(list_dataset_generators),
                                 n_spirals_shown + len(list_barycenter_fun),
                                 (n_spirals_shown + len(list_barycenter_fun))
                                 * idx_dataset + i + 1, projection="3d")
            plot_trajectory(spirals[i], ax=ax, plot_3d=True)
            ax.view_init(elev=20., azim=angles_visu[i])
            ax = fig.add_subplot(len(list_dataset_generators),
                                 n_spirals_shown + len(list_barycenter_fun),
                                 (n_spirals_shown + len(list_barycenter_fun))
                                 * idx_dataset + i + 1)
            plot_trajectory(spirals[i], ax=ax)
        if idx_dataset == 0:
            ax.set_title("Sample {}".format(i + 1))

    # Plot barycenters
    for i, (barycenter_fun, title) in enumerate(zip(list_barycenter_fun,
        init_b = numpy.random.randn(sz_barycenter, d_barycenter)
        if title == "DTW" and has_3d(spirals):
        barycenter = barycenter_fun(spirals, sz_barycenter, init_b)
        ax = plt.subplot(len(list_dataset_generators),
                         n_spirals_shown + len(list_barycenter_fun),
                         (n_spirals_shown + len(list_barycenter_fun))
                         * idx_dataset +
                         n_spirals_shown + i + 1)
        plot_trajectory(barycenter, ax=ax)
        if idx_dataset == 0:

We also introduce soft counterparts following the definition of softDTW from (Cuturi & Blondel, 2017). In this case, the optimization process consists of a gradient descent, and a wider variety of feature space transformation families can be considered.

We validate the utility of these similarity measures on real world datasets on the tasks of human motion prediction (where motion is captured under different points of view) and cover song identification (where song similarity is defined up to a key transposition). In both these settings, we observe that joint optimization on feature space transformation and temporal alignment improves over standard approaches that consider these as two independent steps.


  1. Vayer, T., Chapel, L., Courty, N., Flamary, R., Soullard, Y., & Tavenard, R. (2020). Time Series Alignment with Global Invariances.
  2. Chen, Y., & Medioni, G. (1992). Object modelling by registration of multiple range images. Image and Vision Computing, 10(3), 145–155.
  3. Petitjean, F., Ketterlin, A., & Gançarski, P. (2011). A global averaging method for dynamic time warping, with applications to clustering. Elsevier Pattern Recognition, 44(3), 678–693.
  4. Cuturi, M., & Blondel, M. (2017). Soft-DTW: a differentiable loss function for time-series. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 894–903).