
In this part, I will first describe some current and future works that we plan to investigate. Finally, I will discuss some more fundamental and general questions that I expect to be of importance to the future of machine learning for time series.

Current and Future Works

Dealing with Sequences of Arbitrary Objects

As described in Sec 1.2.3, we have started to investigate the design of invariant alignment similarity measures. This work can be seen as a first attempt to accommodate time series alignments (such as Dynamic Time Warping) and optimal transport distances (and more specifically the work presented in (Alvarez-Melis, Jegelka, & Jaakkola, 2019)).

One step forward in this direction is to take direct inspiration from the Gromov-Wasserstein distance presented in Sec. 1.3 for designing novel time series alignment strategies. While DTW-GI can deal with series of features that do not have the same dimension, this formulation would allow the comparison of sequences of arbitrary objects that lie in different metric spaces (not necessarily of the form $\mathbb{R}^p$), like, for example, graphs evolving over time.

Though this extension seems appealing, it would come with additional computing costs since the Bellmann recursion, which is at the core of the Dynamic Time Warping algorithm, cannot be used anymore. It is likely that approximate solvers will have to be used in this case. Also, one typical use-case for such a similarity measure would be to serve as a loss function in a forecasting setting, in which case the computational complexity would be an even higher concern which could necessitate to train dedicated Siamese networks (e.g. by taking inspiration from the method presented in Sec. 2.2).

Temporal Domain Adaptation

Another track of research that I am considering at the moment concerns temporal domain adaptation, that is the task of temporally realigning time series datasets in order to be able to transfer knowledge (e.g. a trained classifier) from one domain to the other.

In this context, and in close relation with application needs, several settings can be considered:

  1. Time series can be matched with no particular constraint on temporal alignments (i.e. individual alignments are considered independent);
  2. Time series are matched with the strong constraint that a single temporal alignment map is used for all time series comparison;
  3. There exists a finite number of different temporal alignment patterns and one should extract these patterns, the matching between series of source to target datasets and the pattern used for each match.

In the first case, matching can be performed using optimal transport and DTW as the ground metric, and the method from (Courty, Flamary, Tuia, & Rakotomamonjy, 2017) can be used. One straightforward approach for the second case can be to alternate between (i) an optimal transport problem (finding time series pairs) for a fixed temporal realignment and (ii) a Dynamic Time Warping between synthetic series (that are built from the source and target datasets respectively) given a fixed series matching. The latter case is probably the most ambitious one, yet it is of prime importance in real-world settings such as the classification of satellite image time series. Indeed, in this context, images can contain pixels representing different land cover classes, which have different temporal responses to a given input (e.g. change in meteorological conditions). Hence each cluster of temporal response could be assigned a different temporal alignment pattern.

Learning the Notion of Similarity

As illustrated in this document, learning from time series can take very diverse forms depending on the invariants involved in the data. In case these invariants are known, dedicated methods can be used, yet it can be that very limited expert knowledge is available or that knowledge cannot easily guide the choice of a learning method. At the moment, this is handled through the use of ensemble techniques that cover a wide range of similarity notions (Lines, Taylor, & Bagnall, 2018), yet this is at the cost of a significantly augmented complexity. More principled approaches are yet to be designed that could learn the notion of similarity from the data.

Structure as a Guide for Weakly-supervised Learning

Finally, learning meaningful representations in weakly supervised settings is probably one of the major challenges for the community in the coming years. Unsupervised representation learning has been overlooked in the literature up to now, despite recent advances such as (Franceschi, Dieuleveut, & Jaggi, 2019), which relies on contrastive learning.

In this context, I believe structure can be used as a guide. Typically, in the time series context, learning intermediate representations that are suited for structured prediction (i.e., predicting future observations together with their emission times) is likely to capture the intrinsics of the data. Such approaches could rely on the recent revival of time series forecasting models, such as in (Vincent & Thome, 2019) and (Rubanova, Chen, & Duvenaud, 2019). A first step in this direction is the SOM-VAE model presented in (Fortuin, Hüser, Locatello, Strathmann, & Rätsch, 2019), which relies on a Markov assumption to model transitions between quantized latent representations.

Note that the great potential of structured prediction to learn useful representations from unsupervised datasets is not restricted to the time series context, it also holds for graphs and other kinds of structured data. Such a representation could then be used for various tasks with limited amount of supervision, in a few-shot learning fashion.

We have started investigating an instance of this paradigm in François Painblanc's PhD thesis that deals with the use of forecasting models for a better estimation of possible futures in the context of early classification.


  1. Alvarez-Melis, D., Jegelka, S., & Jaakkola, T. S. (2019). Towards optimal transport with global invariances. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics.
  2. Courty, N., Flamary, R., Tuia, D., & Rakotomamonjy, A. (2017). Optimal Transport for Domain Adaptation. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
  3. Lines, J., Taylor, S., & Bagnall, A. (2018). Time series classification with HIVE-COTE: The hierarchical vote collective of transformation-based ensembles. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), 12(5), 52.
  4. Franceschi, J.-Y., Dieuleveut, A., & Jaggi, M. (2019). Unsupervised scalable representation learning for multivariate time series. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (pp. 4652–4663).
  5. Vincent, L. E., & Thome, N. (2019). Shape and time distortion loss for training deep time series forecasting models. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (pp. 4191–4203).
  6. Rubanova, Y., Chen, T. Q., & Duvenaud, D. K. (2019). Latent Ordinary Differential Equations for Irregularly-Sampled Time Series. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (pp. 5321–5331).
  7. Fortuin, V., Hüser, M., Locatello, F., Strathmann, H., & Rätsch, G. (2019). SOM-VAE: Interpretable Discrete Representation Learning on Time Series. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Representations.