E-mail: click to reveal
[ rtavenar,]
Phone: +33 (0)2 99 14 17 98
Office: A201 (Villejean, Rennes, France)
My University on Google Maps
I am currently a full professor at University of Rennes 2 since September 2022, following nine years as an assistant professor. I conduct research at IRISA, with a focus on machine learning and indexing for time series data, specifically for environmental time series.
- Match-And-Deform: Time Series Domain Adaptation through Optimal Transport and Temporal Alignment: our paper has been accepted at ECML'23.
- Three new papers accepted on trajectory reconstruction from pen sensor data (IJDAR), inference of personality traits from wearable data (USENIX) and early classification for crop monitoring (ISPRS).
- Time Series Alignment with Global Invariances: our paper has just been accepted in TMLR.
- A new blog post on the differentiability of Dynamic Time Warping.
- A blog post on Dynamic Time Warping.
Check out
: a machine learning toolkit dedicated to time series data.
Students and Post-docs (past & present)
- Florent Imbert (PhD student, 2021-2024)
- Wassim Swaileh (Postdoc, 2021-2023, now at Huawei Technologies)
- François Painblanc (PhD student, 2020-2022)
- Yichang Wang (PhD student, 2018-2021, now at Total)
- Titouan Vayer (PhD student, 2017-2020, now at Inria)
- Adeline Bailly (PhD student, 2015-2018, now at Helsing (after a stay at DGA))
- Pierre Gloaguen (Postdoc, 2017-2018, now at Univ. Bretagne Sud (after a stay at AgroParisTech))
- Arnaud Lods (MSc student, 2017)
- Arthur Le Guennec (MSc student, 2016)
- Léo Henry (Bachelor student, 2016)
- Anh Quang Nguyen (MSc student, 2014)